Have you ever known rejection? Have you ever thought a situation was going to go one way, but turned out to be completely different? Well today we will join Jesus in what I am sure was a very disappointing day.
In Mark chapter six Jesus enters His hometown of Nazareth, and I am sure His heart was full of excitement to see loved ones. However, this exciting reunion would soon be filled with the pain of rejection from those Jesus knew and loved. As He entered the synagogue, He preached the Word with complete authority and power.
“Many who heard him were astonished, ‘Where did this man get these things. What is the wisdom given to Him? Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James, Joses, and Judas, and Simon? And are not his sisters here among us?’ And they took great offense to Him.”
The people could not come to grips that the lowly, carpenter boy who came out of Nazareth, was now an expert on scripture. We have all been guilty of these thoughts at one time or another. What about when you went to your high school reunion and were shocked to find out, the party boy was happily married with three small children. What about the girl with nerdy classes, and a shy personality, that walked into the room as a gorgeous bombshell? What about the class clown that is now the CEO of a major corporation? You get my point. These people were faced with the same thoughts. Growing up they knew Jesus as any other child, they had played together, lived among His family; in their minds He could not have authority to speak the scripture in this manner.
The next verse is so sad as it states, “And Jesus could do no mighty work there, except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and healed them. And he marveled at their unbelief.” I have only recently unpacked this little phrase in verse 5 “he could do no mighty work”. This in no way means Jesus did not have the power to do miraculous works, but the people tied His hands because of their unwillingness to believe. I think if we each had a chance to do something for our hometown, we would be eager to do it, whether we grew up in a poor, tainted neighborhood, or somewhere posh. I think equally Jesus yearned to heal, to teach truths, and be accepted in His hometown. Perhaps the sting of rejection is never more brutal, than when dispensed by those you love. Jesus knew the deep agony of rejection by his own people. He felt the heartache of not being able to help those whom he knew intimately. It was not Jesus’ power that was unable to perform the miracle, but the wall built by the people around their heart, that made it impossible to receive it. I must ask you today are you receiving all God has for you, or are you tying his hands with disbelief, disobedience, or maybe apathy to the Word. Just as we want what is best for our children, and splurge our love on them lavishly, the Lord wants to do the same for us. Mathew 7:11 “If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!”
The people had heard Him preach with authority, seen with their own eyes the miraculous works, yet still they did not believe. Are you in that crowd? Have you heard the Word, experienced His goodness, yet still refuse to put your faith in Jesus? Maybe you have put your trust in the Lord, and are going through the motions with an absent heart. Maybe you have experienced significant hurt and rejection in your life, and are unsure if the Lord can mend your wounds. Jesus understands your pain, he sees your struggle, and He desperately want to work in your life. Wherever you may be in your journey today, reflect on your relationship with Lord, to see if there is anything that would hinder the mighty work of the Lord!
Ephesian 3:20
Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us